제조업잡 잡식

How foreigners use Kyopotoday 본문

제조업잡 잡식

How foreigners use Kyopotoday

잡식jobsik 2022. 4. 9. 15:47

This is how to use Kyopotoday.


How to use Kyopotoday for job Seekers(foreigners)
This is the manual how job Seekers(foreigners) use Kyopotoday.
외국인구인구직사이트 교포투데이 이용방법 입니다.


1. Job Seekers(Foreigners) sign up as individual members
and register their resume and search job openings.


2. Employers sign up as corporate member and post a job
and search the resume of Job Seekers(Foreigners).


3. When posting a job offer, you should fill in company name,
person in charge, contact information and check the publication date.


4. If you need a better advertising effect to find a candidate successfully,
please use a paid recruitment commercial and a paid resume registration.
Basically, job openings and resume registration are free.


If you cannot post a job if there is not a companay name,
person in charge and contact information. Also, it cannot be
posted if there is not a check on the publication date.
Also, it cannot be posted if the member information is not clear.


Kyopotoday is a job site for foreigners in Korea.


교포투데이 kyopotoday 외국인 전문 구인구직사이트



교포투데이 외국인구인구직

생산직채용, 식당, 음식점, 공장, 농장, 농촌, 어업, 건설현장, 호텔, 모텔, 펜션, 판매, 청소, 주방보조, 간병인, 가사도우미, 가정부, 사우나, 조선소, 물류센터, 부부팀, 교포잡, 교포구인구직, 외


kyopotoday is a job site for foreigners in korea